Friday, September 21, 2007

Using Blogs

When I think about using blogs, I haven't even used them to their full potential. I decided to create my bog at because it was highly recommended by a classmate. Upon working with, I became frustrated because I didn't think the elements were adding like they should. Therefore, I went to and created a new blog there. Then I came back here to copy what I had already included, so that I could finish my assignment. Upon returning here, I discovered that my chosen elements were listed. I'm not sure why I couldn't see this right away; however, the only part of this site that frustrates me is the inability to load a picture right now. I'm still checking into this.

When I think about using blogs in my classroom, I really want to give this a whirl. I can see the value in book discussions more than any other item right now. I hope to soon be able to post questions concerning the novel reading students should have done. I really like that I can check the time that students posted as well as the day.

Overall, I see a blog as a useful tool as long as it is in a controlled environment. With one of the classes I teach, I have to have control over the comments students make because of their inappropriate behavior. I hope to do some exploring over the weekend, but as I look at my screen, I should be able to do what I need to for my students.

Mrs. Meyer


Datta Kaur said...


Very nice blog and hope you have learned how to post an image - which this week will be your concept map.

Since I don't know the ins and outs of each blog service, I will let you explore. If you still have trouble, please email me and I would be glad to help.

You mentioned using a blog for a book discussion. I could see book reviews and a book log in a student's blog, but am wondering what you had in mind as a discussion?

Thanks for learning more about this tool. ~ Datta Kaur

Datta Kaur said...


Please ignore me addressing you as Meghan...I am in the middle of reviewing the blogs and 'hooked' onto her name (my previous review). Wish I could adjust my posts to you, but I can't, so please forgive me for my error.

Datta Kaur

Datta Kaur said...


Please ignore me addressing you as Meghan...I am in the middle of reviewing the blogs and 'hooked' onto her name (my previous review). Wish I could adjust my posts to you, but I can't, so please forgive me for my error.

Datta Kaur

Mrs. Meyer said...

I believe that blogs can be used to start discussions on books much as those same discussions happen in the classroom. I usually ask a question about the book and leave that question open to interpretation. For example, I may ask students to tell me "about their favorite aspect of middle school".

Mrs. Meyer